Fade the Kayfabe: Charles Crowley


Crowley opens up about his wrestling journey, being unique, “The Main Attraction” with Adam Ralph, #StripTide, and much more.

“Fade the Kayfabe” is a wrestling interview series that aims to give other fans an outside-the-ring perspective of wrestling talent and personalities that Hannah Bee personally believes in. Open to getting interviews from across the globe, “Fade the Kayfabe” hopes that it can introduce fans to their next favorites whilst learning something new with their current ones!

It’s hard getting noticed in the world of professional wrestling nowadays.

With the world available on our fingertips 24/7, with the plethora of wrestling styles and talent capable of enticing us straight from our devices… standing out has become more important than ever in securing patronage, admiration, and attention not just from their live audience faithfuls but to their online fan base too. Every performance has the possibility of becoming an international hit, every social media post an opportunity of getting their foot in the door.

When I decided to kick my ass into gear and relaunch this site, I knew that wrestling blogs suffer this same fate – being unique was the only way to get traction.

What better way to get the ball rolling by bringing in someone who’s headstrong in separating himself from the pack…

I know someone – a carny who fancies pulling marks in like a flame to a poor moth.

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